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Friday, March 20, 2009

Wood penetrate a leg

strange world

strange world

strange world

strange world


Mya Zulkifli said...

kefalahotak! mamat tu xsakett ker? siapp angkat 'peace' lgi.

Qila Azali said...

ouchh! sakitt ok!! huu.. giler k0ol mamat tuu..

Unknown said...

mesti sakit 2..
tapi nak buat mcm mane..
nanti doktor operate la 2..

nice blog la bro..
saya suka blog lu..
All the Best..
diabetic diets
murad skin care

Khairulnizam said...

berapa banyak dia men'dapur' mamat ni?? leks jer kaki cmtu.. nasib bek dia xmintak rokok cm 3gp budak putus kaki tu. hehe... ngeri2.. 18sg ni..

Anonymous said...

tekincit mak nengok gmbr2 nie..very the ngeri u all....gagah tul laki nie....mak nak kawin ngan die la...boleh

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